How can you help?

I have received an overwhelming response from this community with willingness to help. You can donate food, money or your time by helping at these places:



Types of donation accepted

Dates/Times of operation

Little Free Pantry

San Pedro Dr, Fremont CA 94536

Canned food, grains, snacks

Any time. Do not disturb residents.

Fremont Feed the Homeless - a group of >650 volunteers

fundraiser link nextdoor group link

Monetary Donations and Volunteer Services - join this group


TCV Food Bank

37350 Joseph Street, Fremont CA

Monetary donations and Volunteer Services

Weekdays - morning and afternoon shifts

Centerville Presbysterian Church

4360 Central Ave, Fremont, CA 94536

Food and essentials like juice, canned, and tissues , Monetary donations and Volunteer Services

Thursday volunteer shifts: Thursdays 9:30-11:30, 3:30-5:45. Donations accepted Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am-3:00

League of Volunteers

8440 Central, Suite A/B, Newark, CA 945600

Food Donations like canned meat, infant formula, dry milk, oatmeal, vegetables, fruit


Alameda County Food Bank

Monetary Donations, Organize a food drive



If any of the information above is incorrect, please let me know by filling this form.

Please comment below for any suggestions you may have.

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