A drop in the ocean or a teaspoon in a teacup?
As a volunteer, I often wonder how big an impact I am making on the problem. Volunteers have a good understanding of their immediate work and the people they are helping day-to-day. While that is very rewarding, sometimes I wonder how big the problem of hunger really is, and is my contribution (in the form of time or money) a drop in the ocean or a teaspoon in a teacup? I have found some good data sources, which I will study and present in the next few blogs. Today, we look at data from the UN Refugee Agency - it has collected stats about refugees to/from various countries for the last 60 years. Here are some interesting graphs about USA. There has always been a stream of incoming refugees, with a large increase starting in the 2010s. In the last 60 years, there have been 4.5 million refugees. US population is about 332 million, making refugees ~1.4%, not counting children born into refugee families. These refugees get public benefits for 90 days, after which they are mostly on t...